Agricultural Analysis

KNR facilitates Cost Reduction
and Developmentof local Farmers
with its Smart Surveying System.

APK 4100

Compost Maturity Meter

The sensor-based compost maturity meter (APK 4100) consists of three gas sampling chambers and a sensor capable of measuring gas generated from compost in a chambers.

This device can measure the amount of gas (ammonia, carbon dioxide) generated and determine the degree of compost maturity based on simultaneously measure multiple samples

* Through the circulation structure.

System Characteristic

  • Gas sampling chamber

    Possible to maintain airtightness, internal circulation and
    proper temperature for gas collection from compost.
  • Circulation flowpath system

    Flow path switching for simultaneous measurement of up to 3 samples,
    flow path cleaning, and proper flow rate can be maintained
  • Electronic sensor-based gas meter

    Capable of measuring ammonia and carbon dioxide Possible to minimize the effect of moisture by applying a non-contact optical sensor

Main features

  • Electronic sensing-based compost maturity judging device

  • Applies of compost maturity determination technology using circulating gas
    concentration measurement method

  • Provides actual measured values of gas (ammonia, carbon dioxide)
    generation based on electronic sensing

  • Possible to incorporate and modify the criteria for judging
    the amount of gas generation and immaturity